What's Cooking by Wildfire

Inside: 5 mins to get up to speed on the world of Discord

Inside: Discord taking centre stage with Activities

Hey there,

What’s Cooking is our monthly newsletter to ensure you're up-to-date with the rapidly developing world of Discord and, in turn, Wildfire to get the most out of working with us.

Product has been a key focus over the last month, with a load of upgrades to Spark and some very exciting work planned that will enrich our data to make targeting 10x more effective.

More on that next month but for now feast your eyes on some light news bits and campaign inspo…

New Sizzle Reel 📽️

Understand what Wildfire does quicker than the time it takes to put the kettle on!

Reach gaming, tech and fandom communities at scale, with creative strategy that gets noticed.

Yes, we’re pushing this everywhere because it was really expensive, so apologies in advance if you keep seeing it:

Off The Grid’s Pioneer Program 🎮

In advance of the public launch of the game, Off The Grid worked with us on their third campaign to leverage Discord as means to driving more playtest recruits aka their Pioneers.

This is a great example to show that Discord communities can be used well before a game's public launch to drive authentic advocacy and gain insight in development from your target audience.

Click below to view the one pager and some creative in the wild:

We love working with clients that put Discord at their core, obviously, and are excited to continue growing our portfolio of work with one of the most hotly anticipated launches of the year.

Quick Hits ☕️

  • DC Comics created an official Discord server to fans of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and DC’s many other heroes and villains (read more)

  • Discord launched Spongebob avatars so go and cop one if that’s your thing.

  • An MMO game, Soulbound, won the Activity pitches that have been going on over the last few weeks and months.

On the Move: Gamescom 🇩🇪

Will you be there?

After gamescom latam in June where we met brands, developers and agencies, we’ll be at the OG show next month to do much of the same but with sausages and beer so get in touch if you’re heading out!

Get in Touch

If you’ve got an upcoming campaign for which Discord might be a fit, submit a brief or reply to this email so we can create a tailored proposal for you:

As you’ve shown interest in what we’re doing, we’ve signed you up to this newsletter but please feel free to unsubscribe below and we won’t send these updates again.

Team Wildfire 🔥