What's Cooking by Wildfire

Stay in the in the know this August

Hey there,

What’s Cooking is our monthly newsletter to ensure you're up-to-date with our latest campaigns, product developments and partnerships.

Now we are selling directly again, rather than through an exclusive partner, we’re going to be a lot more vocal about our wins!

It might even spark a few ideas 😏

Zero-Party Data Now Available 📊

Until recently, we relied on community content and past campaign data to inform community selection for a given campaign.

But we all know that Discord users, aka people, have lots of interests, 79% of them play more than one genre and 46% play on more than one device.

79% play more than one genre of game

So what does this mean?

We now know a community’s gaming habits, demographics, movies, music and sport preferences, purchase behaviours, willingness to try new games, and more.

This is the missing piece of the puzzle to connect up interest targeting, not only by community but by data declared by the users themselves, termed zero-party data, the holy grail of data sources since it comes directly from consumers and doesn’t need to be analyzed to be understood.

What’s more – you can tap into this not just for advertising for targeting or brand lift studies (standard above $50k on which we’ve seen 50% preference uplift in a recent movie campaign) but also for research with custom-built surveys that embed in Discord or that click out.

Get in touch to find out more about how we’re gaining insight directly from super-engaged communities who love to have their say!

Exhibit A: HundredX Surveys 📄

Check out the one pager here to view the results.

Spark Updates ⚡️

We’re pleased to be rolling out automatic payouts for our communities soon! This will save the back and forths that come with everything finance related (admin hell) so you know when you’re eligible and can withdraw without having to speak to a member of our team.

In the same spirit, campaign briefs are now available as part of a new campaign notification, so you have everything you need to make a quick decision on whether to activate a campaign.

Message content data will be available towards the end of 2024 to learn more about communities. Think of all the rich insights that years of chatter will surface!

Quick Hits ☕️

  • 79% of FPS gamers also play fantasy or RPG games

  • 34% of Fortnite players also play EA Sports FC

  • 94% of Valorant players are gaming daily (!)

  • Action movies are the most popular genre with 80% of respondents interested

  • Rap & Hip-Hop is the most popular music genre, at 65%

On the Move: Gamescom 🇩🇪

Are you here?

Our founder, Logan, is at Gamescom this week with a few spare hours until Friday evening. Get in touch if you’re around to catch up for a 🥨 or similar.

Get in Touch

If you’ve got an upcoming campaign for which we might be a fit, submit a brief or reply to this email so we can create a tailored proposal for you:

As you’ve shown interest in what we’re doing, we’ve signed you up to this newsletter but please feel free to unsubscribe below and we won’t send these updates again!

Team Wildfire 🔥